
Let’s talk

and discuss your business needs with our technical specialist

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MicroTechniX is a company specialized in the development of image analysis systems for the laboratory environment from A to Z.

“What fears could have stopped you from using our services?”

The conditions of the contract; that was a major concern for us. Also the distance.

“What made you decide to use our services after all?”

Internally we were able to outline the contract. You have proven to be flexible with your standard contracts and able to deviate from it. The distance actually isn’t that much, as it is still in Europe.

“What have our services added so far?”

We have a much bigger capacity now and are able to act much quickly.

“What aspect of our services do you find most valuable?”

Good communication: Daily meetings and every two weeks the retrospective meetings.

The developers also have great skills and we can see that they do what they like to do the most.

“Can you name 3 other benefits of our services?”

The proper assessment of skills needed to add value to the team. The project manager zooms in on those needs and delegates this entire process by placing and following up the right tasks with the right developers. Assessing the needs and choosing the right developer for specific tasks.

“Would you recommend our services within your network?”

With fellow entrepreneurs, absolutely.

In our presentations, we also show you and the developers as part of our team.

“Would you like to add anything else?”

Credits to the team, the people. I appreciate their efforts greatly and internally everyone is very satisfied with the partnership.