
Let’s talk

and discuss your business needs with our technical specialist

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Aanbieders.be is a site where you can compare all Belgian energy suppliers, mobile operators and internet providers free of charge. All rates are presented in a very user-friendly way and you can immediately switch to a cheaper provider.

“What fears could have stopped you from using our services?”

The feeling must be right from the first moment.

Intellectual property rights are very important to us and we were afraid that our code could be used by the competition. We were also afraid that the developers wouldn’t contribute much.

“What made you decide to use our services after all?”

The conversations we had with Peter, Tomasz and the developer. The developer his English is very good. The quality of the developer was so obvious from his resume, but also in the conversations. I am a developer myself and I had a very good feeling about it.

“What have our services added so far?”

Savings in comparison to using local developers. The technical input. The developer has been working along greatly. He did not need much explanation. He brought a lot of expertise, really senior level. He also didn’t mind doing small tasks. Great mentality.

“What aspect of our services do you find most valuable?”

That you can get someone on board who is very technical and capable. Knowledge of a senior for a junior price.

“Can you name 3 other benefits of our services?”

The distance is doable. Western mentality. Quick switching.

“Would you recommend our services within your network?”

Yes, of course.

“Would you like to add anything else?”

Not really.